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Friday, 6 April 2018

Unknown facts about Gullah culture

Gullah defines an authentic culture of the West African people. The ancestors of Gullah’s were after all, coming from several tribes or ethnic groups in Africa. And they adopted beliefs as well as practices that were familiar to Africans from these widely separated regions.

In years ago, they developed a ceremony called ‘ring shout’. In it, the participants danced in a ritual in a circle amidst the rhythmical pounding of sticks. And at the culminating moment, they experienced possession by the Holy Spirit while shouting their expressions of praise as well as thanksgiving.

Gullah arts, as well as crafts, are also distinctly African in Spirit. In the museums, one can see wooden mortars, baskets, clay pots, drums, palm leaf blooms, hand-woven cotton blankets and many more. In recent times, Gullah men have continued their wood craving tradition by making human figures, grave monuments, as well as walking sticks. On the other side, Gullah women sew quilts organized in strips like African country cloth.

Would you like to be acquainted with the Geechee culture? Choose Hilton Head as your holiday destination. Along with the cultural facts, there are several things to explore. Gullah Heritage Trail Tours is an agency that is founded by a Hilton Head Island Gullah Family partnership. They are involved in preserving Gullah cultural heritage and blending Gullah cultural values for more than four decades. 

70 Honey Horn Road
Hilton Head Island, SC 29926
Phone No: (843) 681-7066

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