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Friday, 28 August 2020

August 28, 2020

Four Important Things About Gullah Geechee Culture

 The best way to know about a community and their culture is to spend some time with them. The Hilton head tour will give you an incredible platform to explore the beauty of nature and be a part of the Gullah Geechee Community. Learn more about this centuries old community.

The Gullah Geechee Cultural Heritage Center was founded to introduce the beauty of the historical and cultural contributions of the Gullah Geechee community over the years. The Gullah Geechee people are descendants of West and Central Africans, they have been slaves in the past and have been purchased to the lower Atlantic states of North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, and Georgia, they mostly worked on the sugar plantation as workers. They were successful in keeping up their culture and traditions because the enslavement was mostly on isolation.

They have kept their culture alive with the necessary art, culture, cooking, crafting, and music. There is definitely more to this lovely community, they love peace, have high respect for religion and community, and are welcoming people. This is why the Hilton Head tours are so famous because people get to be around nature and tradition together. Thanks to Gullah Geechee Community.

Important bodies of Gullah Geechee Cultural Heritage Center

  • Documentation and preservation

The centre accept the ability to collaborate with public and private institutions on initiatives that include efforts to register, conserve and preserve the tangible and intangible identity of Gullah Geechee for the benefit of current and the generations to come. When it comes to the federal, state and local governments, the institution act as a formal stakeholder or consultative group on a daily basis.

  • Interpretation

The centre offer direct technical support to public and private organizations interested in the understanding of Gullah Geechee 's history. They also offer interpretive assistance to a variety of groups from libraries, national parks, visitor / welcome centers, and Gullah Geechee heritage sites.

  • Heritage tourism

The Gullah Geechee cultural heritage centre also promotes tourism and endorses cultural events under its supervision. The platform also contains a calendar of events that helps in highlighting the Gullah Geechee heritage activities in the area. To add your location or event to our Tourist Portal, You can take help from some reliable tourism service.

  • Public educational programs

They frequently plan outreach events on Gullah Geechee's history and traditions in classrooms, museums, music festivals and other cultural locations. Both services are free of charge and are available to the public. Here you can find a calendar of upcoming educational programs. They also collaborate with classrooms, library services, historic places, museums and neighborhood organizations to create and implement programs.

This interesting information about the community will drive you to know more about Gullah Geechee Culture. The people are welcoming and the community bond is incredible, this is a perfect place to learn and adapt some unity and culture. If you want to know more about the community, just visit to speak to the Gullah Heritage Trail Tours, you can also dial (843)681-7066 to speak to them directly.

This is a one-time opportunity to learn about a new culture while you can have a great time at one of the incredible beaches in Hilton Head.

Thursday, 13 August 2020

August 13, 2020

Five Important Things About Gullah Culture

 People are always interested in exploring ancient traditions, and if you are one of them, then you are more than welcome to plan for Hilton head to visit the Gullah community. They have many stories of the ancient times that had been passed down to them by their ancestors. Let us explore!

The Hilton Head has enough attraction to drag people to the beach for the holidays. However, when the location reflects centuries-old tradition and a chance to know a new culture, it simply doubles the fun. It doesn’t make a difference if you are visiting alone or with family and friends, the place is equally suitable for all age group. This is the reason why Gullah Geechee Culture adds up a great deal to this beautiful location.

Here are some of the important details about Gullah culture that might like to know before visiting.

Important details people want to know

1.    What does Gullah Geechee mean?

The name Gullah Geechee is actually a language descending from the coastal area of South Carolina, North Carolina, Florida and Georgia. The people of the Gullah Geechee were the descendants of Africa, they were mostly put down for slavery on the plantation and rice fields.

2.    Is Gullah still spoken?

It is very much spoken, and in fact, it is spoken by 5,000 plus peoples in the Georgia and South Carolina. However, the language is still not very popular in other countries being a distinct language as compared to standard English.

3.    How did Gullah culture developed?

The people of Gullah Geechee Culture evolved over time, in the 1700s when the importation of slaves was on high demand by the Carolina colony, the Gullah secretly developed the unique culture in the middle of all the chaos. You can think that it was the foundation of the Gullah community.

4.    Can you visit Gullah Island?

This is what we are here for, right? You can visit Gullah corridors, the people of Gullah are very attached to their ancestors and the traditions. The place still has some of the native islanders that serve special cuisine to the community, offers heritage tours, and makes various souvenir items for the tourists.

5.    What does Low country mean?

This term was especially used for the areas that are below the Sandhills, the term was created initially to include the places below the fall line. The area above the Sandhills is described as Upcountry.

If you have been planning to visit a place that is rich in history and culture, this place will definitely serve the purpose right. There are enough attractions to explore and interesting activities to take part with friend and family. You will not have a second thought for a single visit after visiting this place. It is better to book a tour guide to take you places, let us help you connect to the very best. You can contact Gullah Heritage Trail Tours by visiting or dial (843)681-7066 to talk to them directly.

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